New Interdisciplinary STEM Courses Release Webinar 2022

Our new interdisciplinary STEM Courses are now available! Follow us to learn more!

It was our pleasure to meet with teachers and principals at the Interdisciplinary STEM Courses Release Webinar on 21 July 2022 and to introduce our latest STEM courses, including Blockchain & NFT Art, AR School Garden Tour and AIoT Sentiment & Emotion Analysis courses. We were delighted to have Mr Yeung Chi Hang from Learn Root Limited speak about the integration of AIoT and aquaponics, and Mr Fung Ting Chung from YCH Wong Wha San Secondary School share his experience with our XR 101 course, as well as the application of VR technology in other disciplines such as Chinese and History.

Our heartfelt thanks to all the teachers and principals for supporting us, and to Mr Yeung and Mr Fung for their insightful sharings. 

If you would like to learn more about our STEM courses for primary and secondary students, feel free to drop us a message!